Decision time for students - what next?

Let’s be honest for many students who have got results for A Levels/BTECS/T Levels, there can be a lot of uncertainty around this time of year. And you’ve probably got some pretty significant decisions to be making around what’s next…

A while ago I was offered a job. It was perfect. But wasn’t in the place I wanted to be. I agonised for ages, trying to work out what the ‘right’ thing to do was. It tore me apart. I had no idea what to do or which way to go. Someone who mentored me said this; “Esther, if you decide to take the job, God will always love you and be with you. If you decide to turn it down, God will always love you and be with you.” To be honest I thought it was rubbish advice. It wasn’t the ‘answer’ I was looking for, I still didn’t know what to do, and it didn’t make my anxiety immediately go away. But it turns out it was the best thing someone has ever said to me, and something I’ve never forgotten.

Whatever today looks like for you, God will always love you and be with you. Wherever you end up, whatever Uni looks like, as you search for a job, take some time out – God will always love you and be with you. Doesn’t make it easy or obviously straightforward, but it’s one true thing that is solid and certain. God will always love you and be with you.

Praying for you as you navigate today. And if you’re stuck and not sure where to turn, do get in touch, we’re always up for being a listening ear.

Stewart North