‘Something Different Sunday’ is a Sunday to give some intentional space to explore what church looks like, or could look like, and why we do it!  We know that we follow Jesus better together, that we need a community around us to encourage, challenge and grow our faith – but this doesn’t have to happen in one specific way and the same time every week!! 

On Sunday 3rd March, we have a Something Different Sunday, where we have different options for the day including Messy Church in the afternoon from 2.30-4.30pm for families - www.ebe.org.uk/messychurch (no children's church or youth group in the morning) 

Options at Ebe in front hall and back hall are -
Bible Meditation in John’s Gospel. Led by Ben Whitnall
It has long been a transformational Christian practice to meditate or think on the bible. In this session we will be meditating on a chapter in John’s Gospel, seeking to immerse ourselves in the story, to see what surfaces. (e.g. Ignatian reflection)
Questions from John’s Gospel.  Led by Steve Allan and Sarah Richardson
An interactive time to look at John’s gospel and some of the questions it raises. What is the main message of John’s gospel and how does it affect us?
Some presentation and group discussion. If this series in John’s gospel has raised questions, please submit them to us at least a few days in advance. We will then try to answer some in the Sunday session!

Something Different Sunday Update

May 2023

Back in January 2022 we started our ‘Something Different Sundays’ regularly on the first Sunday of the month. We’ve used this time to be exploring different ways of ‘doing church’, of worshipping and learning together. It’s been great to intentionally have some space for this!

We want to continue to challenge ourselves around what ‘Ebe Church’ means and looks like, in gathering together on a Sunday, and in the different expressions that happen throughout the week.

While we are going to stop having a ‘Something Different Sunday’ at the same time every month, we will keep on asking; why we are doing what we are doing? Are we pointing ourselves and others to Jesus? Are we being challenged in our faith? Are we looking in and out in equal measure? How can we do all of this ‘better’?! And we’d like everyone to be a part of that!

So, keep an eye out for a ‘Something Different Sunday’ coming sometime in the Autumn Term…

As always, we’re keen to hear any thoughts and ideas you might have on any of this.